Welcome to LRH Radio!
It started way back in the early 2000’s with Scan Texoma and after a few lost hosting accounts and one or two hosting companies ripping me off and selling my information to China, we finally get to this project. A small community oriented scanner and doomsday survival web site called Lake Ralph Hall Radio.
And that’s all I really want to do is provide the local community with a glimpse into the inside of first response/public safety communications and spend time writing about surviving the Apocalypses and the Zombie attack! Can you imagine Zombies on top of all this hate and pro Satan agenda? Really, Zombies too?
Lake Ralph Hall Radio, what a name for such an area. They’re building Lake Ralph Hall currently between Ladonia and Honey Grove in Southeast Fannin County. While not as big as Bois D’Ark Lake between Bonham, Honey Grove and Telephone its still going to be a lake and not a glorified pond. But Geez the politics that came with this lake, wow! These folks here have been lied to by the developers pretty badly. Yes, it’ll be a decent lake. No, it’s not going to save the planet! In 50 years when the population of Fannin County grows to over 500 thousand it might be a decent tourist attraction or even a nice small lake with decent housing options. But when you look at Texas Lakes, they are never what the developers sell the people who vote to make it happen.
Lake Lavon in Southeast Collin County is just in the last 10 years getting modern with the growth explosion of Princeton and Wylie. But a great majority of its shores are still very rural and wooded. It’s by no means a Lake Dallas, which that lake took 30 years to get to where its at today.
This lake will be a lot like Lake Tawakoni and Ladonia will be a lot like Quinlan was for years to come. It will take a good twenty years before Eastern Fannin County becomes a booming metropolises. It will take the next ten years for Collin to fill in northeast of McKinney up to Blue Ridge. Although, Melissa is currently breaking ground on a Kroger and HEB. I see Fannin blossoming from Trenton to Bonham and then pushing back west into Grayson County. But for Eastern Fannin to explode overnight? I just don’t see it for at least 50 years.
So that gives me ample time to build a face, grow an audience and build a page. I would like to add a 5 to 5 internet radio station devoted to the area and maybe pick up some advertising support but for the most part, I want to keep it simple. Broadcast the scanner stream and write about things happening in the community and wireless communications industry as it relates to the general area.
LRH Radio isn’t your regional news!
I have a slight passion for Weather though I am by no means a meteorologist. In my younger years, before I had aluminum antenna masts over my house, I really enjoyed coffee on the patio during a thunderstorm with the radio playing smooth Jazz. Today though, I unplug all that and grab the camera and drive into said storm looking for a cool picture or two.
I don’t know if he’s real but the Big Foot stuff is really cool to me. But since he is a myth, and the times were are going into are Fact. This website will stick with the facts about things to come. Jesus is a fact and its a fact he will return for his people. The signs given throughout the bible are really coming true. Now is the time to believe, well Now is a Great time to believe? Anyways, end times prophecy is amazing, its something to watch but we all need get our stuff in order with God really quick. This is my belief and I will continue to write about that on the Christian life page.
LRH Radio does have a few social media accounts as of May 1, 2024 but they are not directly purposed for the page itself. Furthermore all that is available is You Tube and Twitter or X. There is currently no plan to bridge to the Social media platforms on a full time basis.
What this webpage is ultimately about?
Ultimately, This page is aimed at warning you about the coming of Christ Beit Rapture or Second coming. Secondly to provide you survival skills that will be handy to have during the chaos just before and after the Rapture. Ways to be able to stay in the loop of a society in breakdown and collapse of humanity. In the event you are left behind things found here could be of benefit to you. But, you have a way out of all of that. Jesus Christ is the answer, I pray you find him now!
What you will find within this webpage
Tips, Tricks and Reviews of Communications products. Devotional scripture and bible study to help prepare you for Eternal life with our lord Jesus Christ. Survival and civil emergency planning and necessary equipment for you and your family and so much more. While I’m not a big product reviewer, I will use the site to review something if I really like it. I Really like President Radios so you will often see my reviews on those products here.
Aside from any review by myself, you will see A LOT of communications product reviews by Eric, owner of Farpoint Farms in North Carolina. His YouTube channel is the best. I don’t know the guy personally but his videos are top notch so you will see a lot of his material here. City Prepping is the other YouTube channel I follow. That dude is sharp and very practical with his preps and survival tactics. I hope you join both channels. I do not have a Live YouTube channel myself, just a listing with some of my more favorite video’s by other creators. The Internet in my part of Texas is horrible and won’t support uploading to YouTube or streaming live video.
God and Community
Regardless of the situation there are two key elements of Survival, God and Community. My page will cover a lot about God because I am a believer in God. But I also believe that what God has said in the bible is coming true. The Revelation prophecy is happening now! If you don’t have God in your life, working in your life then now is a great time to accept him and let him lead the way.
Community in adverse emergencies and catastrophic events is paramount! We need each other to survive. If you are educated, skilled and prepared and haven’t pissed off all your neighbors, you could be able to rise up and help lead your community out of the turmoil its in after a disaster or cataclysmic event.
A Leader who relies on God is a leader with potential.
Surviving a disaster isn’t just about Guns, God and prayer. It starts with the prepper making plans long before whatever disaster happens.
Preppers have planned and prepared for a long time and have a good stock of Food, supplies Guns, Ammo and plenty of Bible knowledge to survive the long haul. They have communications too but also strong skills in calming younger people combined with good social skills such as leadership which is essential in survival as it will be used to keep a small group or a community bound together.
Do you have 90 days of food and water? Do you have a well stocked first aid kit that can handle traumatic injury? Do you have the parts and component’s crucial for keeping technology working? Can you hunt without firing a shot? If you have answered yes to most or all of these questions you can probably survive, but guess what? You are a rarity because most people can’t even say yes to one of these!